Hope 葉賀璞
畢業於清華大學電機系,大學期間開始學習吉他並接觸爵士樂。2004年考取全額獎學金參加第一屆台北夏季爵士研習營,並決定出國深造成為專業樂手。2005年通過考試進入皇家布魯塞爾音樂學院爵士音樂系,師事於 Fabien Degryse Peter Hertmans 等著名音樂家.

音樂上深受 Pat MethenySylvain Luc Johnathan Kreisberg Will Vinson 等大師影響。旅歐期間曾與眾多優秀歐洲樂手組團合作。透過交流以及演出,得到多元的概念以及啟發。也因此在作曲編曲以及演奏中,不斷地於節奏,和聲上嘗試新穎的元素,呈現濃厚現代爵士的色彩。在樂團演奏外,也發展FingerStyle的能力,以獨奏的方式即興演奏爵士吉他。

2010七月歸國後,與多位知名爵士樂手合作。目前為奇拍樂團Organology樂團水行三重奏Olivier Baron 四重奏以及其他爵士團體的吉他手,演出足跡遍布台北新竹台中高雄等地。.多次參加台北燈會以及台北國際爵士音樂節之演出,並受邀跨界與連雅文打擊樂團合作於國家音樂廳演出。



Started playing jazz as a student at Tsing-Hua University.  Upon finishing B.S. degree in E.E., obtained full scholarship from Taipei International Jazz Summer Academy (TIJSA) in 2004.  In the pursuit of professional training and education, decided to study abroad and accepted by Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Belgium, in 2005.  Had precious opportunity to study with great musicians Fabien Degryse and Peter Hertmans.  He graduated with master’s degree in Jazz Guitar Performance from Royal Conservatory of Brussels in 2010.

Performance techniques were greatly influenced by masters such as Pat Metheny, Sylvain Luc, Johnathan Kreisberg, and Will Vinson, etc. During the advanced Jazz studies in Europe, he had chances to play with numerous jazz bands and musicians in various venues. Inspirations and diversified jazz concept were derived from working and communicating with those European musicians. From time to time, new elements in reference to rhythm and harmony were added in composing and performances so that a contemporary style jazz is deeply presented. Besides performing with bands, he is also very into solo performance by using “finger-picking” technique.

Since coming back from Europe in July 2010, worked with famous jazz groups, namely, Chi Pai, Organology, Shui Hsin Trio, Olivier Baron Group at different venues in Taipei, Hsin Chu, Taichung, and Kaoshung.  Also, had being invited to perform in Taipei Lantern Festival, Taipei International Jazz Festival, and with Lien Percussion at National Concert Hall.

On top of performances, promotion of jazz education plays an important role in daily life. He had worked as teaching assistant at TIJSA; as well as being invited as guest speaker to give lectures on related jazz topics in several different institutions and universities in Taipei and Taichung.  Right after the establishment of Hope Music studio in May 2010, a variety of seminars and performances were held to widely spread jazz music to the interested parties.